
Materia Medica Viva Volume 2 – page 519

drinks; the water appears to be immediately expelled from the rectum. Explosive flatus. Condylomata of the rectum.
Urinary organs
Various types of cystitis can be seen. Often the patient must run to the bathroom for fear that he might lose his urine, and, in fact, involuntary urination can occur. Loses urine constantly.
Retention of urine. In some cases the urine will not pass regardless of how forcefully the patient strains; then, as soon as he ceases straining, the urine passes involuntarily. Urine passes unnoticed in cases of neuromuscular diseases.
Tearing pains in the ureters, extending downwards or from kidney region to the bladder, which is made worse by touch, motion or even inspiration. Dropping of burning urine after urination. Useful in the early stages of gonorrhea, with profuse purulent discharge and severe cutting pains, bloody urine, and painful erections.
Male – genitalia
As stated previously, the patient normally has a strong sexual desire that can drive him too easily to masturbation and sexual excesses, but a state of impotence can eventually supervene in which the erection fails at the initiation of intercourse.
Often the loss of the erection will occur because of the impulsive state of mind.
The patient may be involved with the sexual act, but then some usually silly, and often fearful, thought enters his mind and disrupts his mood. He is unable to push the thought aside and loses his erection. The sexual organs can become shrivelled. Enlargement of right testicle. Itching in the genitals during urination.
Female – genitalia
In women one may see vaginal pain during coition. Prolapsus with ulceration of the cervix. Also, bleeding after coitus can occur. In general, however, the menses are scanty or suppressed, sometimes lasting only one day. Ulceration of the uterus. Pain in ovaries extending to sacral region. Sensation as if the right ovary is swollen. Menses copious.