
Materia Medica Viva – Volume 2 page 453

Indian (American) Hemp. N.O. Apocynaceae.
Apocynum cannabinum will be needed in cases of edema of any kind; such as abdominal ascites, the edema of congestive heart failure, pericardial effusion, pleural effusion, hydrothorax, cerebral edema, hydrocephalus, synovial effusions of the joints, and most especially, the edema of renal failure and anasarca due to kidney disease and dysfunction.
This remedy finds its best application in cases of functional impairment of the kidneys with severe retention of urine, situations where there is no gross kidney pathology, such as renal failure resulting from renal hypoperfusion associated with severe anaphylactic shock or heart failure. However, cases involving actual renal pathology can also be affected by this remedy.
Most of the provings of this remedy have shown that it has a markedly adverse effect on the kidneys causing the amount of urine excreted to be drastically reduced.
I must mention here that there seems to be some confusion over this point among different authors who claim that Apocynum is a kind of diuretic, because in some provings it has actually produced an increased flow of urine. I consider such observations the result of the curative action of the remedy upon the prover and not a proving.
Examining the action of this remedy in a broader sense, it can be said that the organism’s entire system of elimination appears to be dysfunctional, causing the retention of excess fluid within the organism. In this respect it is very similar to Apis, the difference being that Apis is a warm remedy which is aggravated to an extreme degree by warmth and warm applications, while Apocynum is a chilly remedy which is aggravated by cold and cold applications. Another distinction is that Apocynum is usually thirsty, but aggravated from drinking, while Apis is thirstless. This characteristic aggravation from drinking