
Materia Medica Viva Volume 12 – page 2736

stant inclination to hawking up of tenacious mucus from trachea, with crawling and shooting in the region of larynx. Increased secretion of mucus in throat, with hoarse voice. Hoarseness: in the morning after rising, compelling him to hawk up tenacious mucus; painful. Voice: nasal, rough.
Croupy hoarse cough, worse in warm wet weather. Membranous dry bark- ing croup with wheezing and sawing respiration. Dry, croupy cough with
dryness of larynx and trachea and hard, tough mucus. Frequent dry cough with tightness, pressure and burning on chest. Deep, dry cough, with shooting in the chest. Short cough, from a tickling in throat, with thick, yellow expectoration.
Cough: worse towards morning, breathing deep, warm room, motion, from tobacco, lying on the back on back, in the fall; better open air, drinking; often accompanied by retching, inability to lie down and having to seat bent forward; dry in the morning, loose in the evening. Short, rattling cough during the day, not at night. Severe attacks of spasmodic cough, greatly prostrating patient.
Difficult respiration, worse in warm room, when lying on back, at 10 a.m, better from eating. Asthmatic breathing during hayfever. Breath comes in wave-like expansions. Shrill whistling and rattling in chest.
Profuse secretion of bronchial mucus. Rattling of mucus in chest, with rough- ness below sternum and heaviness of chest. Expectoration: corrosive; tasting like meat broth; white; tough; putrid; yellow; blood streaked.
Tightness, pressure and burning on the chest with dry cough. Shooting in the chest during deep, dry cough. Unendurable tickling through whole chest, causing cough preceded by great anxiety and followed by depression. Itching low down in lungs and behind the sternum extending through the bronchi to the nasal cavity. Fasting causes pain in chest. Great pressure on chest after violent chill. Sensation as if heart was squeezed together, as if grasped by an iron hand. Palpitations of heart: violent throbbing; worse from least movement or exertion, standing, before menses; better from cold bathing; with faintness, better when lying; visible and audible. At night, especially when thinking of real or imaginary wrongs, the heart palpitates like lightning, pulsations are felt also at the pit of stomach and in the temporal bone, accompanying arterial excitement drives him out of bed, temporary better from cold baths and applications. Mitral insufficiency and periodical attacks of pain about heart, following typhoid endocarditis. Pericarditis with pneumonia and rheumatism. Hypertrophy of heart; from overexertion. Fatty degeneration of heart.
Bronchial and pulmonary congestion. Bronchitis, pneumonia, pleuritis. Ad- vanced stage of tuberculosis, when glands and lymphatics are affected; bloody expectoration; purulent and suppurative stages. Hepatization: worse upper part of right lung.
Induration and swelling of axillary glands. Hot, dark red lymphatic swelling