Hahnemann s Calcium Sulphide.
White material crystallizing in cubes like rock salt.
Summarizing Hepar sulphuris calcareum in two words, one could say that Hepar is OVERSENSITIVE and ABUSIVE. Hepar pa- tients appear as if their nerves are on edge, as if the nerve end- ings are raw and exposed. It affects the nerves making the patient oversensitive to all impressions, to cold, pain, touch, noise, odours, to draught of air. In this state they feel as if they are going to break apart, that they cannot take the slightest pressure, physical or psychological. Under pressure they become angry, vicious and abusive toward others.
In the first stage of pathology of Hepar there is a general weakness and sensitivity. They may become irritable over small things, but this irritability is still controllable.
Next, there is a nervous excitement. Everything is done in a hurry. They speak fast, eat fast, drink fast, etc. The nervous system reaches a super – excited state in which they accomplish little with great ex- penditure of energy. This state of hastiness is most comparable to that of Sulphuric acid in its intensity.
As the pathology of the nervous system becomes more extreme, the over sensitiveness becomes most evident. At first, this is mani- fested in the typical Hepar sensitivity to cold. Hepar is aggravated by dry, cold air, especially by dry cold winds. Humid cold weather, which bothers most people, is not so severely aggravating for Hepar patients.
Hepar patients are intolerant to suffering in general. Whenever there is a physical ailment, it manifests on the mental level as in-