
Materia Medica Viva Volume 11 – page 2420

Warmth over the whole body, as if sweat would break out, then chilly down the back, in the afternoon.
Fever in the afternoon.
Fever and heat in general, continued fever.
Heat, intense heat, long-lasting heat.
Perspiration absent.
Fever with shivering.
Chill absent, absent in morning.
Cerebrospinal fever.
It has a profuse, exhaustive sweat and is aggravated from motion, or rather motion seems to be impossible.
Free perspiration over the body.
Perspiration sometimes profuse, with languor and prostration.
Much sweat, with external coldness of the whole body, in the afternoon.
A little cold sweat, chill, with hot running in the legs and burning of the soles of the feet like fire, without thirst.
A profuse cold sweat broke out suddenly (after pain in the forehead), so that she was wet all over.
Skin dry.
Cold in the afternoon.
Symptoms ameliorated during perspiration.
In the skin symptoms there is the following dramatic statement by Kent: ‘In a most distressing and violent, rapidly spreading erysipelas that seems destined to cause death in a few days, all the symptoms point to Gels., and though Gels, may not have produced erysipelas it will stop the progress of the disease in a few hours and the patient will go on to a quick recovery. Many times when erysipelas has spread over the face and scalp and in the most dangerous manner with the dusky red colour that belongs to Gels., and other symptoms such as I have described in a general way, Gels., has taken hold of the erysipelas and cured’.
Gelsemium produces a peculiar and very marked eruption in most of the provers: it is papulous, very much the colour of the eruption of measles, but the