Trituration of the pure metal and its carbonate, solution of the acetate.
This remedy stands between China and Tuberculinum in its symptomatology.
It is the first remedy you must think of in cases of chronic loss of blood if the patient is weak and perspiring heavily at night in sleep. Because of this weakness they feel an irresistible inclination to lie down but they are not ameliorated by lying, and feel better only if they walk slowly up and down.
Indeed a strange, rare and peculiar symptom running through Ferrum is that the pain and suffering come on during rest.
Even palpitation comes on during rest, dyspnoea comes on during rest, and the weakness is increased. The patient soon feels so bad that he gets up and slowly walks the room.
Ferrum pain comes on during the night, because the patient tries to keep still in bed. When moving gently about in the daytime, there will be less pain. This is the greatest keynote of the remedy. The exhaustion and loss of blood looks like Chi., both remedies have anaemia and problems from this, but Chi. has mostly nervous prostration, where Ferrum has physical prostration. The profuse perspiration is similar to Tub. but is not as excessive as Tub. can be; neither of these two remedies have the above characteristic.
In many cases the constitutional Ferrum patient is an obese individual who lacks stamina, is so easily tired as to feel almost