a feather) were there, with fine stitches in the larynx, extending to the right side of the pharynx.
Rough, scraping feeling of dryness deep in the fauces, provoking a hacking cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus and hoarseness.
A bruised feeling in the larynx whilst inhaling.
Laryngitis, acute or chronic, with chorditis; laryngeal tuberculosis (recommended by Hahnemann for this condition).
Mucus in the trachea, sometimes indurated and sometimes soft, looking grey, green or yellow.
Oppression of breath from any speech, the throat is contracted from every word; but no respiratory problems from walking. Difficult breathing, especially after midnight. Drosera may be indicated in bronchial asthma. Suffocative paroxysms caused by the violence and speed of the coughing spells, with blueness of face and gasping for air; whistling inspiration.
‘Feels an oppression in the chest, as if the air was withheld on talking and coughing, so that the breath could not be expired (lasting several days)’. The Drosera cough has been described extensively above in ‘The Essential Features’. In addition, some further symptoms from Hahnemann’s provings:
Cough coming from very deep in the chest.
Cough in the evening, immediately after lying down.
Night cough. Wakes at 2 am. for a short time with coughing, and then falls asleep again.
Stitches in the chest on coughing.
During the cough, a pain in the hypochondria as though this region were constricted forcibly.
A summarised description of the Drosera pertussis from Bönninghausen’s book: violent whooping-cough, in periodically returning attacks, every one to three hours, in barking or toneless bouts, quickly following after each other, so that he cannot get his breath; provoked by a tickling or dry sensation or a feeling as from soft feathers in the larynx, in the evening without expectoration, in the morning with some yellow and usually bitter sputum that has to be swallowed.
Aggravations: in the evening after lying down and especially after midnight; rest; lying in bed; warmth; drinking; tobacco smoke; laughing; singing; weeping; catching cold; after measles.