right side of tongue; smarting pain on buccal mucous membrane inside of left cheek, as from pepper.
Stitching toothache, in the morning, after warm drinks; cold sensation in the crown of an incisor.
Small ulcer or painless tumour on the tongue.
Disagreeable sensations in the throat: burning, rough sensation, immediately after lunch; sensation as if crumbs had remained there after eating; scraping in throat from eating salty food.
Dryness in pharynx, with thirstlessness. ‘At the soft palate and deep in pharynx a rough and scraping feeling of dryness which excites a hacking cough’. Hawking up of yellow and green mucus.
Difficulty swallowing food, as if the oesophagus were contracted. Stinging in throat during deglutition.
Inflammation of velum.
Another case from Margaret Tyler; struma, with exophthalmus, very acceler- ated pulse (150 bpm), and a chain of lymphadenomatous swellings, some reaching walnut size, along the musculus sternocleidomastoideus, and with bluish, indurated places in both calves, with ulceration (erythema induratum Bazin), with tuberculosis in the family anamnesis. After Drosera C200, amazing amelioration of all symptoms.
Respiration and Cough
Weak voice: hoarse, hollow, can only talk with effort, and then in a deep bass tone.
Chronic hoarseness as a sequel of measles, or remaining after frequently repeated catarrh.
Chronic catarrh with sore sensation in larynx and weakened voice, which only sounds normal if an effort is made, but seems rough, husky, hoarse and subdued if used in a normal conversational tone (in a professional speaker).
Crawling in the larynx exciting cough, with a feeling as though a soft body (like