
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page v

Foreword to the last Edition (2008) vii
Foreword to the First Edition ix
1. Coming of the New Millennium 1
2. Samuel Hahnemann and the Law of Similars 4
3. Preparation of Homeopathic Medicines 11
4. The Vital Force 15
5. The Dynamic or Subtle Plane 18
6. Predisposition to Disease 22
7. The Homeopathic Interview 31
8. A Sample Case: Influenza 36
9. The Patient’s Responsibility 47
10. Does Homeopathy Work? 53
11. How Cure Occurs 67
12. More Laws of Cure 72
13. Plans for the Future 75
14. Promise for the 21st Century 80
15. The Great Misunderstanding 85
16. What is the Alternative? 88
Appendix I; Five Remedy Pictures 91
Appendix II: A revolutionary proposal
for National Health Policies 168
Bibliography 174