Foreword to the First Edition
We are living in one of the most exciting periods in human his- tory. Virtually every aspect of human life is undergoing radical conceptual change – science, politics, economics, ecology, thea- tre, music, etc. Such change even extends to the field of medicine. The objective materialistic view of the world is widening to in- clude the energetic plane of existence. The concept of the whole man is replacing the previously fragmented view of the patient as a diagnostic entity. In the fields of holistic health, nutrition, ac- upuncture and related therapies, increasing trust is being placed on the healing forces of the individual, rather than on drugs.
This book by George Vithoulkas represents the cutting edge of this movement in the field of medicine. Step by step, it takes us through uncanny discoveries which have led to the most effec- tive curative system known to mankind. In contrast to the some- what vague mysticism which inevitably characterises the ear- ly, stumbling steps towards true holistic medicine, Vithoulkas’ book demonstrates convincingly that homeopathy is a systemat- ic science which correctly applies the laws of nature to stimulate the healing energies of the human being.
The respect that I have for the work of Vithoulkas can best be il- lustrated by briefly describing my own story.
From a young age, enamored of the ‘white coat’ image of med- icine, I decided to become a doctor. I finally succeeded, gradu- ating from Stanford Medical School, where I was steeped in the most solidly materialistic medical science.
After completing my training, 1 contemplated going into private practice, but my idealistic image of what medicine should be left me disappointed and frustrated with what 1 had learned. I turned to the holistic fields of nutrition, herbal medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic and polarity massage, but nowhere could I find a method that was systematic enough to deal with the deep chron- ic diseases which are the challenge of every physician. Finally, I received training in homeopathy and opened a private practice in Northern California.