
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 99

(Silver Nitrate)

The Essential Features
In my writings I have repeatedly emphasised the hierarchical structure of human health. In the healthy individual the men- tal sphere, being the most central to normal functioning, exerts its control over the physical and emotional spheres. This control can become excessive in over-mentalized patients.
On the other hand, in other types of patients there is a weaken- ing of this central, controlling influence; to this group belongs Argentum nitricum. In the neurological system, this weakness leads to clumsiness, inco-ordination and, finally, ataxia and con- vulsions. In the psychological state it leads to impulses, the hall- mark of Argentum nitricum.
If we wanted to describe an Argentum nitricum case with few words, we could say that he is an over-emotional, impulsive in- dividual with weakening mental faculties, which allow a host of impulses and fears to arise. He is an individual whose pow- er of coordination and balance has been upset on all levels.
In the early stages Argentum nitricum individuals are jolly, ex- troverted and optimistic. Far from being egotistical, they are giving and attentive in conversation. They are people who enjoy life, and its comforts. They have a strong sexual appetite, as well as an appetite for tasty foods, salty and sweet foods, and ‘high living.’ They will avoid ordeals at any cost.
At the same time, they possess a certain straightforwardness and simplicity. These patients seem to be incapable of hiding their feelings for long. For example, a patient may be unable to hide a romantic affair from his wife for long. He confesses the transgression and feels great remorse. Argentum nitricum individuals may frequently be overtaken by a sense of guilt for their actions and will cry with remorse. They become very emotional and weep as they tell of their transgressions.