
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 92

(Aluminium Oxide)

The Essential Features
The Alumina case is one which is difficult to diagnose. Frequent- ly, as one takes a homeopathic case history, one searches for pos- itive symptoms on which to base a diagnosis. In Alumina how- ever, perhaps because of a characteristic vagueness of the pa- tient’s descriptions, this approach often will not yield the nec- essary information. Instead, one will need to observe the whole patient, looking at the contextual background as well as the spe- cific symptomatology that is provided.
It can be said that the pathology of Alumina evolves from two different tendencies: confusion and retention. In the neurolog- ical system we find confusion of neural impulses resulting in in- co-ordination, ataxia and finally paralysis. Alumina is one of our most useful remedies for deep neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, amyotrophic lateral scle- rosis, tabes dorsalis, and even acute forms of paralysis like Guil- lian-Barre syndrome.
In the mental sphere one almost invariably finds mental hazi- ness and dullness of thinking. As the mental pathology progress- es the confusion becomes so profound that it leads to imbecility or near psychotic states.
The Alumina tendency for retention is pervasive; both expres- siveness and normal eliminative processes seem to be held back. The patient gives the impression of being very closed and self- protective. He seems unwilling or often unable to bring forth his thoughts and emotions. Even in his sexual life the release of orgasm is delayed or completely absent. On the physical plane one sees that normal secretions such as the menses are retained or scanty. Perspiration and other lubricating secretions are also scanty, giving rise to the great dryness of the mucous mem-