
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 91


Five Remedy Pictures

Following are a series of typical homeopathic remedy images. These are designed to convey the ‘essence’ or ‘soul’ of the rem- edies, as well as some concept of the stages of development of their pathology. These are only a few of the many hundreds of remedies well-known to all competent homeopaths, and these descriptions represent only a small fraction of the wide variety of symptoms seen in each remedy. (Remember that in homeopa- thy the condition and the remedy take the same name.)
In reading these descriptions, do not forget that the actual pre- scription of a homeopathic remedy is not based upon the per- sonality of the patient, but upon pathological states. The goal of treatment is not to alter the personality of the patient, nor to get rid of healthy manifestations of the uniqueness of the individu- al, but rather to remove limiting factors in order to allow the in- dividual a greater degree of freedom.