What kind of reasoning allows doctors whose studies at medi- cal school have only covered conventional medicine to suddenly become the guardians of an alternative medical tradition? How is this possible, when in order to master just one method of al- ternative medicine, three, four or sometimes even five years’ in- tensive study and exclusive training are necessary?
How can a doctor – who will be the only person allowed to prac- tise such methods under possible future laws – suddenly become a specialist in homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, osteopa- thy and chiropractic? Such doctors already exist, who claim to specialize not only in one but in many alternative methods.
There remains very little doubt nowadays that real and funda- mental improvements in a patient’s health are brought about not by conventional medicine, but by one of the forms of alternative treatment referred to above.
Naturally, surgery is not included in the above arguments. As mentioned earlier, surgery’s achievements rely heavily on the successes of modern technology. The subject under discussion here is the conventional system of therapeutics with its hormo- nal/chemical treatments, cortisone, psychotropic drugs, antibiot- ics etc., which doctors today prescribe in great quantities for all acute or chronic diseases.