
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 85

Chapter 15


A serious misunderstanding has arisen where health and medicine are concerned: there is a general belief that, in this particular field, constant improvements have brought us ever greater progress and a better state of health. In reality, however, not only are we not seeing such improvements, but on the contrary, the appearance of ever new medicines with their attendant side-effects, is causing increasing damage to the deeper levels of the human organism.
This misunderstanding has arisen for two main reasons:
1. A certain amount of confusion has arisen concerning surgery and therapeutics. There is a tendency to combine these two when speaking of medical progress. In reality what is being referred to is basically the accomplishment of modern tech- nology used in surgery. Surgery has used aspects of high technology originating from other branches of science to per- form truly miraculous acts, and therefore the whole medical world speaks of ‘medical progress’, creating a generalisation based on these quite distinct surgical successes. The greater part of medicine is however made up of the therapeutics, ap- plied to millions of people on our planet daily, and not surgery which covers only a few tens of thousands.
2. Doctors have practically never clearly and openly admitted to their patients that their prevalent therapeutics cannot truly cure not even one chronic degenerative disease such as osteo- arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, sarcoido- sis, multiple sclerosis, myopathy, myastheny, epilepsy, bron- chial asthma, allergic conditions, heart diseases, mental disor- ders of various kinds of severity, AIDS, cancer, etc.
However, the majority of diseases befalling the human race to- day are precisely these chronic diseases, and not acute diseases or surgical cases. For instance, it is a chronically damaged heart