Then the student will be taught all the subjects that will give him or her accurate knowledge of how the human body is con- structed and functions in health and disease: anatomy, physiolo- gy, pathology, pharmacology, and the various specialties. These subjects, however, will be taught in a new light, always from the knowledge of the action of the vital force. In this way many things that remain mysterious to even modern medicine will be explained. The student will also be taught everything in modern technology that is relevant to the healing art, such as laboratory diagnosis with all modern equipment, as well as the elements of certain ancient and modern holistic techniques that have proved effective in some instances.
Then the student will have to be taught through the living exam- ple of his teachers that love and compassion constitute the rules on which he would build his scientific knowledge, if he really wants to help his patients.
Finally, the teachings of the school should be such as to bring about, in the very depths of the students’ hearts, the realisation that the human being is not an accidental event but the result of a Divine Order or Will, and that its destiny is to free itself from the bondage of pain, of passion, and of selfishness.
A Step towards the Vision – the Present Situation
It is well known that there are different schools for homeopathy all over the world that are teaching the art and science of this dis- cipline. In India, Pakistan and Mexico we find separate colleg- es that run a full course in homeopathy, and there are as well dif- ferent weekend schools in England, Germany, Norway etc. that also teach. Apart from these, there are several seminar and post- graduate classes that aim at giving a more complete knowledge to their students. Many such seminars are run by my ex-students who participated in my teaching from the late seventies to the early eighties.
Soon I was finding out that students who graduated from such teaching programmes did not have the experience and the knowl- edge to give them the confidence of going in to practice. Ther- apeutic results were quite uneven and were not matched to the possibilities that this science has.