
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 73

3. Go from more vital to less vital organs.
4. Disappear in the reverse order of their onset – those that ap- peared first being the last to disappear.
By symptoms moving ‘from the centre to the circumference1 we mean that the brain, which is the seat of thinking and all higher functions, is at the centre of man. With the organism considered as a whole, the brain is automatically recognised as its most vital part – its centre. Next in importance comes the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, down to the muscles and skin, which constitute the cir- cumference of the organism. These latter are man’s least vital or- gans in that a scratch or the rupture of a blood vessel on the skin can safely be neglected, while on the brain the same thing could be fatal. We also know that if the centre is disturbed, the whole organism suffers profoundly.
For example, when a mental case is treated homeopathically, in the course of treatment the mental symptoms disappear and are followed by violent symptoms in the stomach. By this phenom- enon the homeopath knows that a complete cure will eventual- ly come about, because the direction followed by the symptoms is correct: from the centre to the circumference. Likewise, in the case of asthma, if a skin eruption appears during the treatment, it shows that the disease is moving towards the circumference, thus guaranteeing that the patient will finally be cured.
It takes a master homeopath to understand the symptoms of a patient, evaluate them correctly and treat them accordingly. Un- fortunately, after a favorable reaction the ignorant patient, anx- ious to clear up his skin condition immediately, often finds some obliging allopath to swiftly restore him to his previous condition!
One of those who have most clearly described the direction fol- lowed, if a cure is to take place, is Hippocrates himself. In the 49th of his aphorisms he writes:
In a person suffering from angina pectoris the appearance of swelling and erythema on the chest is a good sign, for it shows that the disease is moving towards the circumference.
And in section 7, aphorism 5:
In a mental disorder of a maniacal type, dysentery or anasarca is a good sign.