
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 72

Chapter 12


Any practitioner who goes into such detail and depth with each
case – homeopath or otherwise – is bound to make many crucial observations about health and disease. Just so, homeopathy has discovered further laws of the manner in which cure occurs. As with those already mentioned, these are universal laws which apply in any field – acupuncture, herbal medicine, polarity mas- sage, psychic healing, even allopathic medicine.
You will remember that a temporary aggravation of the symptoms is to be expected after the correct remedy has been taken and be- fore the cure is completed. This aggravation is hardly noticeable in acute disorders but quite definite in chronic disorders. It some- times attains an intensity which one could well describe as a heal- ing crisis. During such a crisis one may expect such things as sud- den diarrhoea, increased menstrual flow, excessive perspiration, profuse expectoration, excessive sleepiness and the reappearance of any suppressed skin eruption. The duration and intensity of the crisis are in direct proportion to the severity of the case. Two conditions are necessary for such a reaction: the correct remedy, and a vital force strong enough to produce a reaction. This ex- plains why true homeopaths delight in such aggravations.
It often happens that in individuals of weak vitality, this curative crisis comes about only when the organism has been sufficient- ly strengthened, both by continuous and careful prescribing and by the right kind of life.
In homeopathy, up to twenty-two different reactions have been found after the first prescription but it is not within the scope of this book to go into minute detail. It may simply be enough to say here that after the first prescription the symp-toms may dis- appear in one of four directions. They may:
1. Go from the centre to the circumference of the body.
2. Travel from above downwards.