But this case really shows the extent to which homeopathy can be effective if it is practiced properly.
For many decades, homeopathy was practiced in a very bad manner. Instead of trying to find the indicated remedy for each individual case, which requires a lot of time, doctors would pre- fer to give ten, fifteen or even twenty remedies together hop- ing that the right one would be within these twenty. With such a practice result were very poor and people got the impression that this method was good only for simple ailments like common colds and headaches.
Just because these few cases may look anecdotal, it is important that the reader understands that in the 40 years of my practice of homeopathy I have seen more than 150,000 cases, a great pro- portion of them coming to homeopathy after allopathic medicine had failed. I can easily testify that most of them were beneiitted by homeopathic treatment.
It is also true that the above are extreme pathology cases that do not comprise the everyday practice of a homeopath. It is al- so true that many other cases that look like the ones I have pre- sented here would not have responded in the same way, for rea- sons that I cannot explain in this small treatise. What can be said for sure, is that homeopathy could have prevented a lot of cas- es going into deep pathology. It could have alleviated the suffer- ing of many chronically ill patients and could have regenerated an increasingly degenerating Western society that has had so far ‘the best possible medical treatment’. Yet, perhaps the main rea- sons for such degeneration are the chemical drugs themselves that were supposed to cure the diseases.
It is strange that in spite of the fact that homeopathy has dem- onstrated this kind of effectiveness, it has not taken the place it deserves in the medical arena. If any other therapy had shown such dramatic effects in incurable cases, even in one of them, the whole world would have listened with attention and awe. Look at the first heart transplant that created such a sensational im- pression. Yet the cases that were subsequently saved with this