
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 64

icine”. “And there was no pain?” She said none! I could not be- lieve my ears. Anyhow, I gave further instructions and forgot about the case. In three months, she telephoned to say that she had been back in the hospital in London where they monitored her case and she told them how well she was. She said, “I danced in front of them in order for them to believe that I could walk again without pain”. I still could not believe my ears, but any- how I gave further instructions for the medication.
A month later I received a telephone call in my house, very ear- ly in the morning, about 3 a.m. in London and 5 a.m. in Athens. She was on the phone screaming that she most probably broke her ribs during her sleep in the night and the pain was excruci- ating, unbearable. She could hardly speak from the pain. I told her that these pains were a relapse from the metastasis and not from a broken rib!
I thought that’s it, I could never control the pain again, but all the same I instructed her to try a remedy and to phone me in the evening. Sure, enough she telephoned to say that there was no more pain anymore! These relapses happened another three times in the 11 months of treatment, and were always controlled by the homeopathic remedy. One day she telephoned in a pan- ic saying that the right eye was bulging out and could not see. There was also a severe pain in the head. Again, the homeopathic remedy controlled the symptoms. After a year she considered herself cured and stopped telephoning.
Three years later I inquired from the lady in charge of the clin- ic in London who had initially phoned me about the patient to know what had happened with this case. And she told me the most amazing story I could have heard. The mother in Austral- ia had died but before her death, she gave all her property to a foundation in Australia, leaving the daughter with all her debts. The patient despaired so much that she went to an expensive restaurant in London, ordered a luxurious meal and took with it enough pills to kill herself.
I mention this case here though I cannot know to what extent the improvement really was, whether after a year or two the cancer would have come back and killed her, as the case was monitored from the London hospital and I had no access to their findings.