
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 56

tency, sent her home, a couple of hours later, warm and smil- ing, and again, well.
You see here the rapid homeopathic action in very acute sickness. The more acute the sickness, the quicker and more complete the curative reaction.
I was asked one night, at midnight, to see a man who had had champagne and oysters for dinner, and who was doubled up with colicky abdominal pain. There were beads of sweat on his forehead. His only relief was by pressing his hands deeply into his abdomen. He could only answer in a whisper. He felt so ill that he thought there was no chance of work next day. Giving him a dose of Colocynth [cucumber], in potency, I timed him, and in three minutes he gave a sigh, and stretched out his legs and said, Tm better.’ And he went to business next day. Here the remedy had to be Colocynth, not Arsenicum; because Colocynth is the only remedy with abdominal pains relieved by doubling up and pressure.
At 10.30 p.m. one night, I was called to a man suffering from urticaria- anaphylactic – after anti-tetanus serum. He was almost beside himself with fear and anxiety: very rest- less, couldn’t keep still: certain he was going to die. Thirsty, felt hot, great fear of being alone. Very apprehensive. Eve- rything had to be done at once. Here Aconite (monkshood) in the 30th potency, gave almost instant relief, and in fifteen minutes the patient was quite himself again. This was one of the most dramatic things I have ever seen.
I was once urgently called to see a patient acutely ill with rheumatic fever, who was the despair of all who came in contact with him. Nurse after nurse had had to go, and the doctor in attendance was at his wits’ end. Rheumatic pains intolerable: said they were driving him crazy. A dose of Chamomilla brought almost instant peace: the temperature promptly dropped, and the patient got well.
One might multiply such cases indefinitely and remember, they are common, not to any one prescriber, but to Homeopathy.
In these days of advancing science, when the foolishness of Homeopathy is proving wisdom… and the amazing prescience of Hahnemann is obtaining every day new confirmation, what is there to prevent the most skeptical from, at least, experimenting with the power that has come to us.