erally no problem, but consistent use of analgesics, tranquillizers, antibiotics, contraceptive pills and especially cortisone can com- pletely counteract the action of homeopathic remedies. In some instances, even dental work can produce the same effect. There- fore, homeopathic patients should refrain from all other thera- pies except for true emergencies and, if possible, only after con- sulting the homeopath.
Coffee is another common homeopathic ‘antidote’. Coffee is a stimulant which can have effects as powerful as medicines. Indi- vidual sensitivities vary widely, so that for some patients a rare cup of mild coffee may have no effect, while for others even this exposure is enough to interfere. For this reason, all homeopathic patients should avoid coffee altogether. Decaffeinated coffee, black tea, and grain-based coffee substitutes are all acceptable.
The handling of remedies themselves can also be an important factor for patients taking daily doses. Even in their glass vials or paper envelopes, remedies can be destroyed by exposure to di- rect sunlight, strong odours (particularly the odour of camphor and other aromatic substances) and excessive heat or cold. Rem- edies should be stored in a shaded place of moderate tempera- ture free of strong odours.
Finally, the responsibility which occasionally can be the most demanding for patients is that of waiting out whatever healing crisis occurs. In the process of cure, the strengthening of the vi- tal force may result in a temporary increase of symptoms. Usu- ally this lasts from only a few hours to a few days, but in some cases it may take longer. If the patient doesn’t understand this possibility, it may at first seem as if the homeopathic medicine is having an adverse effect and there may be a tendency to seek allopathic relief from the exacerbated symptoms. The same con- fusion may occur if the patient expects to never have a relapse, when in fact his or her particular case is expected to require sev- eral remedies in order to accomplish full cure. The patient must be able to recognize what is happening and trust the judgment of the homeopath. The patient must avoid panic and await fur- ther developments.
Homeopathy is a demanding system not only for the prescriber but for the patient as well. It is not a therapy in which the patient