less and uncomfortable, and move about in spite of the fact that the movement increases their pain.
All the text-books mention that Bryonia patients are aggravat- ed by motion. Apparently, it does hurt them, but they get into this restless state when they will not keep still. When the pa- tients are restless, the homeopath must find out whether it eases them or not. If it does not, they are probably Bryonia cases. If it does ease them, he must consider one of the other drugs – possi- bly Baptisia or one of the restless drugs, such as Rhus tox. It is a point that needs early clarification.
Bryonia patients feel hot, and are uncomfortable in a hot stuffy atmosphere; they like cool air about them. This can be linked with their thirst. They are always thirsty, and their desire is for cold drinks – large quantities of cold water -though, as men- tioned above, they may ask for cold, sour things and then refuse them when they are brought.
All Bryonia influenzas have very intense headaches. Usually, the headache is intense, congestive and throbbing; the most com- mon situation for it is in the forehead. Patients often say they feel as if they have a lump in their foreheads, which is settling right down over their eyes. The pain modality of the headache is that it is very much relieved by pressure – firm pressure against the painful forehead affords great relief to the Bryonia headache.
As one would expect, the headache is very much worse from any exertion – talking, stooping or movement of any kind. It is worse if the patient is lying with the head low; the most comfortable position is semi-sitting up in bed, just half propped up.
As a rule, Bryonia patients do not have a very profuse nasal dis- charge. More commonly, they complain of feelings of intense burning and heat in the nose, or of fullness and congestion.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Thoroughwort)
The outstanding point which leads to the consideration of Eupa- torium is the degree of pain which the patients have. There are very intense pains all over – of an aching character – which seem to involve all the bones of the skeleton, arms, legs, shoulders, back, hips, and, particularly, the shin bones.