It often takes hours before the prescriber can say that he has found the right remedy for a chronic condition. In homeopathy, there are no ready-made formulas. Each case requires its own particular medicine, and no other potentized remedy will have any significant effect at all.
Considering all the difficulties involved in taking and prescrib- ing for a chronic case, as well as the knowledge of miasms and the remedies themselves, it is very difficult for a conscientious homeopath to either promise a cure or define the time needed. And in any case, it is an unscrupulous practitioner who promises a cure of whatever ailment. Generally, it seems that the one who promises least will accomplish the most.
As a very gross rule, one can say that it will take a month of treatment for every year the patient has suffered. For instance, if the patient had the ailment for eight years, it will take approx- imately eight months to cure him. This is not an absolute rule. Often the length of time may be much shorter, and in other cas- es longer.
If a patient’s case is very simple, it may be cleared within one consultation only, but in complicated cases, especially in those who have been taking allopathic drugs for several months or years, the process of really curing is a long and arduous one for both the patient and the homeopath. Finally, a lot will depend on the preserver’s skill and knowledge of homeopathy.
1. J. T. Kent, MD, Lesser Writings (Calcutta: Sett Day and Co., 1958), pp.411- 412.