ty of influences which can engraft upon the constitution predis- positions which are transmitted from generation to generation.
A common source of miasms are severe diseases such as cancer or tuberculosis. It is well known that such ailments run in fami- lies, and homeopaths are also able to identify specific symptom complexes found in subsequent generations which are related to these diseases without necessarily resulting in the specific dis- eases themselves.
Another source of miasms are the vaccinations and powerful drugs commonly prescribed by allopathic doctors. These can create such disturbance in the vital force that the patient is left in a chronically weakened state. Specific iatrogenic miasms which are commonly seen in homeopathic practice arise from small- pox vaccinations, cortisone, major tranquillizers, antibiotics, and other powerful drugs.
Because of all of these influences, it is not uncommon these days to encounter patients suffering from five or six miasmatic lay- ers. In addition to the psoric miasm, there may exist the psychot- ic miasm, plus ‘smallpox vaccine’ miasm, a ‘penicillin miasm’, a ‘cortisone miasm’, etc. For a homeopath, a case of this type presents the most tragic, disheartening, and frustrating kind of challenge to his skills. To peel off each miasmatic layer in suc- cession, even assuming that correct prescriptions are made each time, can take many years of painstaking and patient effort.
One word of clarification, so as not to touch off a panic amongst most of my readers: merely because someone has taken a drug does not mean that he or she suffers from that miasm. Only a relatively small number of people who take drugs for a long time, or who get gonorrhea or syphilis, actually acquire the cor- responding miasm. Nevertheless, even this small percentage of patients presents a serious problem in a society in which chron- ic diseases are the major health issue.
1 This and other quotes in this section on chronic diseases are from The Chronic Diseases (Calcutta: C. Ringer and Co.), translated by Prof. Louis H.Tafel, pp. 19-22.