prescribe three different medicines – one for each ailment (and each one is probably a combination of several drugs as well) – whereas the homeopath would prescribe a single remedy to cure the single disease which is showing itself in three aspects.
To return to Hahnemann and his inquiry into the origin of chron- ic diseases, the numerous examples he mentions show us clear- ly the connection between skin diseases and internal disturbanc- es. He also observed that whenever he brought about a real cure, the skin disorder from which the patient suffered in the past re- appeared during the treatment and whenever the patient was re- lieved of the internal trouble.
This fundamental miasm underlying the majority of chronic dis- eases Hahnemann termed Psora. He viewed it as a fundamental weakness further aggravated by suppressive treatments which merely remove the symptom without curing the predisposition.
Man’s efforts to get rid of suffering merely resulted in contin- uous suppression of diseases throughout the ages. Except by some lucky chance or otherwise, very few people ever received the right treatment, and the continued suppression of symptoms created damaging weakness in internal organs.
These weaknesses were transmitted from one generation to the next, according to Hahnemann’s investigations, which inclu-ded whenever possible interviews with the ancestors of chronic dis- ease patients. Children inherit from each parent particular sen- sitivities in particular organs, and the resulting disorder in the child is either an accurate copy of one parent’s disorder, or a compounding of disorders inherited from both parents.
Hahnemann had noticed that, whereas nature tries to keep the disorder as far as possible from man’s vital organs – as far as possible from his centre, as it were – when the vital defensive resources become critically diminished, the disease proceeds to more internal organs.
Not only are the physical impediments of the parents involved, but other factors as well: mental disposition of the parents at the time of conception, hardships they have suffered physically or mentally, their habitual diet, the degree of toxicity of their bod- ies (children conceived when the parents were heavily under the