
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 22

Chapter 6
Now let us return to the question asked by all sufferers of chron-
ic disease: What is the real cause? How did this arise in my case? And what does this mean for my treatment?
As we have said, Hahnemann attracted a great many medical men who helped him in his work of proving the different rem- edies and recording the provings. His cures won him countless admirers. Students flocked from all over the world to study un- der him. But success also made him many bitter enemies. One of these, a prominent Leipzig publisher, looked for someone to write a book against homeopathy and found a certain Dr. J.
H. Robi, who passed on this task to his pupil, Constantine Her- ing. Hering accordingly set about investigating homeopathy and tried to collect material which would discredit it. Instead, he was rapidly convinced of its inherent truth and became devoted to Hahnemann and homeopathy. He collected, classified, and pub- lished all existing information on the action which drugs exert on human beings. His monumental Materia Medica runs into twelve large volumes and has become a fundamental reference book in homeopathy.
One rarely fails to find in it any symptom, mental or physical, which has been produced by the proving of a remedy – no mat- ter how strange: a fever that only comes between six and eight o’clock in the evening; a chronic headache that comes on alter- nate days and lasts from ten in the morning till three in the after- noon; a vertigo that appears only when the patient is lying down with eyes closed; an irrational fear that if one goes to sleep one will never wake up; depression and sadness that emerge only in twilight; irrational fears – of cancer, heart disease, death, or in- sanity; a suicidal impulse to jump from a great height; a neural- gic pain that appears only once a week; an excruciating sciatic