Chapter 5
Once the basis of health and healing was understood, Hahne- mann applied his genius to the question of disease. In Aphorism 11 he writes:
‘When a person falls ill, it is only this spiritual, self-acting (automatic) vital force, everywhere present in his organism, that is primarily deranged by the dynamic influence upon it of a morbific agent inimical to life.’ (Author’s emphasis).
Here we see clearly that Hahnemann went far beyond his time, and was even in advance of us today, in stating that not only the disease but also its cause is dynamic. In other words, it is not the microbes or the virus or the bacteria, nor even their virulent poi- sons on the biochemical level that cause disease, but rather their intimate nature, their vital force, their very ‘soul’. And that is something dynamic.
Furthermore, these vibrating, pulsating, living inner malevolent or morbific (meaning ‘harmful’ or ‘destructive’) agents can on- ly affect organisms that are susceptible to them, and can only af- fect them on a dynamic energy level. If illness were only a ques- tion of bacteria and their numbers, those most exposed would be the first to be affected. But we all know that this is not the case. There are people everywhere who are exposed to contagious dis- eases and do not catch them. People sleep in the same bed with victims of tuberculosis or severe staphylocoecal infection and are never affected. Correspondingly, there are others who live in the most healthy environment and take great care with diet, rest, ex- ercise, etc., and still contract all kinds of contagious infections.
Disease comes about only when two conditions are fulfilled: the presence of an external morbific agent and the patient’s own sus- ceptibility. It is not merely the result of exposure to a number of