
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 13

remains – an influence which is powerful enough to cure even deep chronic diseases. In Aphorism 209, Hahnemann writes:
The homeopathic system of medicine develops, for its special use, to a hitherto unheard-of degree, the inner medicinal powers of the crude substances by means of a process peculiar to it and which has hitherto never been tried, whereby only they all be- come immeasurably and penetratingly efficacious and remedial.
What Hahnemann had discovered is that there lies hidden in eve- ry substance in Nature some inner life. We can mobilize and use this ‘force’ if we know how to process the substance correctly.
Science has shown that, when it is possible to reduce a substance to its molecular state and to isolate a molecule, this particular molecule exhibits an automatic, incessant mobility, known as ‘Brownian Motion’. Every atom and molecule are composed of high degrees of energy, and the particles contained within atoms move at speeds often approaching that of light. Everyone today is aware that tremendous energy can be released by the fission or fusion of atoms. From these observations, it is clear that hid- den within the apparently solid material substances of our world vast amounts of energy are lying dormant.
Somehow, the repeated dilutions and succussions of a homeo- pathic medicine release a great curative energy which is inher- ent in the substance. In each instance above, we discover that en- ergy is released by the proper method. We do not know the rela- tionship, if any, between these phenomena, but there is objective proof that they exist: Brownian Motion is observed by looking through the microscope at minute particles suspended in water; modern quantum physics measures with great precision the en- ergies and speeds of motion of subatomic particles, and nuclear explosions demonstrate the energy contained in matter. In home- opathy we witness the amazing cures that the potentized remedy can bring about. In this connection, we are struck by something which the famed healer Paracelsus wrote centuries ago:
The Quintessence is that which is extracted from a substance… After it has been cleansed of all impurities and its perishable parts, and refined to the highest degree, it attains extraordinary powers and perfections. In it there is great purity, and it is
because of this purity that it has the virtue to cleanse the body.1