
Homeopathy – Medicine for the New Millennium – page 12

knowledge of chemistry and alchemy. In any case, he simply submitted each dilution to a series of vigorous shakes (or ‘suc- cussions’, as he called them) and discovered that progressive di- lutions were then not only less toxic but also more potent!
Hahnemann had found a solution to a problem that had occupied medical men throughout history. He had beaten the problem of the ‘side effect’ of drugs!
We shall presently offer certain theories as to why this happens, but we know from observation that it does. Hahnemann says that the efficacy of a remedy thus processed is increased because ‘…the powers, which are, as it were, hidden and dormant in the crude drug, are developed and roused into activity to an incred- ible degree.’
Hahnemann first considered that distilled water, alcohol, and lactose (milk sugar) were medicinally inert, so he diluted the medicines in these substances. If the remedy were soluble in wa- ter or alcohol, he mixed one part of the substance with ninety- nine parts of the liquid and submitted the mixture to one hun- dred vigorous succussions. This dynamized solution he called the ‘first centesimal potency’.
Then he mixed one part of this first potency with ninety-nine parts of water or alcohol and again succussed the dilution one hundred times to produce the second centesimal potency. The third step in the process, of course, diluted the original substance to one part in a million, the fourth step to one part in a hundred million, and so on. He repeated this up to thirty times and appar- ently did not go beyond that himself, although modern homeo- paths use potencies to the hundred thousandth centesimal and beyond!
The implications of this discovery are staggering. A substance shaken and diluted to a dilution of 1 in 100,000 pails, even to a total of 60 zeros and more, still acts to cure disease, quickly and permanently, and without side effects!
Clearly this phenomenon cannot be explained by ordinary chem- ical mechanisms. The dilutions are so astronomical that not even one molecule of the original medicine is left! And yet the actual clinical results demonstrate beyond a doubt that some influence