
Essence of Materia Medica – page 99

As mentioned by Kent, Kali carb. is a remedy which is difficult to perceive in its essence both in the patient and in the Materia Medicas. The primary image of the patient is not readily avail¬able from provings, so it is known mostly by experienced homoe¬opaths possessing the skill of careful, systematic observation. It is very important to understand, however, because Kali carb. is a profoundly deep and long lasting remedy when prescribed early enough to prevent progression to an incurable stage of pathology.
The Kali carb. patient has a distinctive personality; committed dogmatically to strong sense of duty to an inflexible, rigid degree. It is an uptight state in which the mind maintains iron control over experience, behaviour, and emotions. Such a person is com¬pelled to see the world in terms of black and white, right and wrong, proper and improper. In his appearance and behaviour he is correct, uptight, proper. He, or she, will be stoic, uncom¬plaining, dogmatic, by the book. In the field of psychology, the Kali carb. personality would be the epitome of the "anal-retentive" type. To such a person, life seems to be solid, clear, immutable, functional. Such people often become police officers, prosecuting attorneys, translators, bookkeepers—occupations in which rout¬ine, properness’and the sense of duty are valued.
In this sense, the Kali carb. patient is overly mentalised. It is not mentalisation in the sense of philosophising or mental creativity or analysis, but rather an over-use of the mind as a mechanism for control over emotional expression as well as physical func¬tioning. The Kali carb. mind is systematic, proper and routine-oricnted. It thrives on clear-cut, black and white, dogmatic sit¬uations and functions.
Such a patient may appear to others to be devoid of emotions because emotion is expressed in a mentalised way, but this is far from the case. Internally, Kali carb. can be quite sensitive emo-tionally, but will never show it. If you tell a Kali carb. patient about your troubles, You will assume from his response that he couldn’t care less, but you may be surprised to find a few days later that he has silently been dwelling on your situation and has