
Essence of Materia Medica – page 98

Consequently, their arteries become sclerosed as well.
There are several characteristic peculiarities in Kali bich. One of the most famous, of course, is the sensation of a hair on the back of the tongue. In addition to this, the tongue is characteristically very shiny, rather than rough as usual.
Another characteristic of Kali bich. is its time aggravation, which is similar to Kali carb. Kali carb. is generally worse between 2 and 4 a.m. Kali bich. is aggravated in a narrow range, between 2 and 3 a.m.
The pains in Kali bich. can resemble Belladonna in that they come suddenly and go suddenly. In all other respects, however, there is no resemblance to Bell. Kali bich. patients are less strong, chilly, and anaemic-looking. The Kali bich. illness does not have the tre¬mendous upheaval which is seen in Bell.
Kali bich. patients in general do not have particular food crav¬ings or aversions, although they enjoy their food very much. There does tend to be a desire for beer, and Kali bich. is usually strongly aggravated by beer. This is not the usual distension and bloating which comes after drinking beer. In Kali bich, the whole person feels worse, the sinusitis or joint pains may flare up, or there may be diarrhoea.
Finally, whenever the Kali bich. patient describes a state of fear or anxiety, it seems to arise in the chest primarily. In Kali carb. by contrast, such feeling seems to originate in the solar plexus. In Kali bich., the root of the anxiety is higher. Also, there may be a deep sensation of coldness in the chest, especially a cold feeling in the heart.