
Essence of Materia Medica – page 97

The most well-known use of Kali bich. of course, is in catarrhal states of the mucous membranes. In Kali bich, it seems that once the pathological condition takes hold, it tends to progress more deeply. If such a person gets cold which is more frequently than usual, it progresses into a sinusitis in about 80% of cases. The progression may also reach into the Eustachian tubes, causing obstruction. There may be a considerable quantity of post-nasal discharge. Or, a cold may progress into a bronchitis or even asthma.
The most typical picture, however, is a patient who presents with sinusitis. You see a patient who has had frequent colds over the years, and every cold goes into the sinuses. A common cold starts, and suddenly there is a tremendous amount of discharge, the membrances of the sinuses swell up, the mind becomes dull, and the patient becomes despondent and even more peevish and anti¬social than usual. Typically, the sinus pains most prominent are in the zygomatic region. The frontal sinuses seem to be less affected in Kali bich.
There is typically tremendous amounts of catarrh in such sit-uations. The amount of discharge is profuse, and often it is char-acteristically ropy, elastic and viscid. The typical Kali bich. discharge, whether from nose, stomach, or elsewhere, is so stringy that it may stretch all the way to the floor. I have seen such a patient get tangled up in the,discharge while trying to wipe his nose. Of course, mucous is normally somewhat viscid and a bit stringy. To be considered a symptom for prescribing purposes, however, it must be truly dramatic. Also, whenever this symp¬tom is dramatic, it strongly suggests Kali bich. But its absence does not necessarily rule it out.
Even the most indolent ulcers which are found in Kali bich. dis-play this symptom. You may see a patient who is quite closed, narrow in outlook, and arteriosclerotic to the point of develop¬ing a vascular ulcer which does not heal. When you try to clear it, you lift off the crust and observe several long elastic string* of serum attached to the crust. This observation, coupled witr the general patient type, should bring to mind Kali bich.
As one imagine, arteriosclerosis is a major aspect of Kali bich. even at an early age. Such patients seem to narrow their live: —to sclerose their experiences, their emotions, and their attitudes