
Essence of Materia Medica – page 96

lawyer explains to you that you must bring this paper, this papery and that paper in order to sign a particular contract. To you this seems simple and self-evident, but he insists on making an elab¬orate, detailed listing of exactly why each paper is needed. In Kali bich. this is not a matter of orderliness or fastidiousness. It is a matter of going to an extreme to show you he is doing his job. He is trapped in his narrow, step-by-step, routinized way of thinking, and he naturally assumes that others think the same way. Therefore he takes excessive pains to explain every detail, even while you are impatiently wondering, "Why in the world is he doing this?" I have seen this narrow, arteriosderotic kind of mentality in a man only 30 years old.
By far, the most prominent symptomatology in Kali bich. is on the physical level, which displays several highly characteristic symptoms. By following such cases over a period of years, I have found that there is an alternation of symptoms between the mucous membranes and the joints. At one point in time, you see catarrhs, then three, four, or six months later there are joint com¬plaints.
When the joints are affected, the most typical characteristic is that the pains wander from joint to joint. One week, the pain affects one joint, and a week or a month later another joint becomes pain¬ful. Actually, the inflammation of the joint is truly another mucous membrane affection—involving the synovial membrane.
Characteristically, Kali bich. patients are ameliorated by warmth. Kali bich. patients in general are chilly, and their local pains are understandably ameliorated by warmth. It is interesting, how¬ever, that their complaints often originate during the summer. This is not an aggravation from heat, but a causation during the hot SEASON. By contrast, Pulasatilla has wandering pains, but is aggravated by heat itself; the heat of summer, but also the heat of a warm room, a stove etc
Another famous keynote of Kali bich. is pains located in small spots —spots which can be covered by a finger. In my exper¬ience, the most characteristic location for such a painful spot is at the upper outer angles of the scapulae, just as Rhus tox. seems to gravitate toward the inner angle, Kali bich, seems to develop a trigger point on the outer angle.