
Essence of Materia Medica – page 9

colds have been compromised, the patient becomes susceptible to colds. Basically, this weakness in reactive power is also the basis for pathology in other remedies having colds; Tuberculi-num, Sulphur, Graphites, Silica, Mercury.
Some other characteristic physical symptoms : dimness of vision, probably due to weakness of eye muscles. The skin is extremely dry. There is itching without eruption. There are dry crusts on the skin eruptions, dry thick crusts in the nose, and dry granular crusts in the throat. There are catarrhal discharges from all mem¬branes; nasal, urethal, vaginal and easy suppression of discharge which then become recurrent. (There may be one-sided paralysis—usually on the right side.)
Alumina has a definite time aggravation in the morning. She may then gradually improve during the day, or she may remain low all day. However, there is then a marked amelioration in the eve¬ning, once the sun has gone down (Medorrhinum, Lycopodium).
Another striking characteristic in Alumina is aggravation from potatoes. There may also be intolerance to other starchy foods, wine, pepper and salt.
The idea of SLOWNESS PROGRESSING INTO PARALYSIS typ-ifies the kind of response which can be expected once Alumina is administered. To be certain of the response it is necessary to wait quite a long time with this remedy. This is1 especially true when there are organic changes involved. It takes a long time to cure the results of disease, just as it took a long time to develop.