
Essence of Materia Medica – page 91

IGNATIA AMARA (igft.) (second version)
This remedy is frequently prescribed because of a technological civilisation. Woman 15 to 1 ratio to men needing this remedy. Sulphur will many times follow Ignatia—it lies underneath. Apis, Nat. mur, Sepia are complementary to Ignatia. A Nat. mur. patient after a shock or grief, may get prescribed Ignatia if you were to see them right after the shock; whereas if you had seen them before the shock you would have given them Nat. mur. Give the remedy that corresponds mostly to an uppermost pattern.
Ignatia individuals are very sensitive. An individual that has been brought up with culture, refind education, arts, music, theatre, becomes refined with culture. This parameter is coupled with the capacity of Ignatia to grasp quickly and execute quickly. Cap¬able people. When these individuals are put in our society, their refined emotions can easily be hurt or disturbed. Become involved in the liberation movement, but it is not in their nature to be hard and cruel. This combination of factors will produce an Igna¬tia patient. At the same time she is capable, demands nothing from others.
Such an individual encounters a time, say about age 18 or 19 when she has been over working, and meets with her first love affair. She will believe in him totally. If the man at some time shows a little indifference, if she does not have total attention, she may become silent and brooding. The introversion may begin This great sensitivity is the whole cause of trouble later on. She will withhold and not talk. Ignatia at a certain time may break down and become ‘hysterical, make a scene of hysteria, out of control. From this point on we have pathology.
Wants to shout, but she sobs silently in her room. A lot of think¬ing going on in her mind. Feels she has been cheated in an affair, decides never to see him again. No humbleness in Ignatia. If she apologises for her outbreak, she is not calm about it. Tremendous indescribable anxiety, SIGHING. May sigh many times during the interview. When she apologises she means it logically, but not emotionally. Does not suffer much mentally; emotional level is the first one that suffers.