
Essence of Materia Medica – page 87

even show up in a child without the rest of the symptomatology of Hyos. The child may develop involuntary urination for no reason; he is taken to doctor after doctor, many tests are per¬formed, but the final conclusion is that it must be a psycholog¬ical disturbance, since there is nothing physically wrong. Think of Hyos. in such a case.
Hyos. like Veratrum and Agaricus, has a great deal of twitching of muscles. It is also a remedy with wide action in convulsive disorders. There are many involuntary gestures, such as picking at bedclothes, picking at things in the air. etc
The acute Hyos. delirium is characterised by much twitching of muscles and a passive mania. Hyos. has less violence and less intensity of fever than either Belladonna or Stramonium. The delir¬ium may pass into a stuporous or comatose state. The patient may be roused up, give a reasonable answer to a question, then lapse back into stupor. Its acute stage also has hydrophobic symp¬toms; there is a dread of water, a fear of hearing running water, convulsions caused by hearing running water, involuntary loss of stool or urine upon hearing running water.
In comparison Hyos. is more passive, less violent, than the other remedies except in the extreme paroxysms or states. More than other remedies it focusses its activity on the sexual sphere, and on urine and defaecation functions. There is more jealousy and suspicion, and a particular kind of obsessive thinking over little things. It has twitchings like Veratrum and Agaricus and con-vulsions like Stramonium and Belladonna.