
Essence of Materia Medica – page 76

ration. I recall two cases which were greatly benefitted by Graphites on this indication.
Similarly the discharges in Graphites are thick and sticky. Just as the mind is thick, hardened, and difficult to penetrate, so are the skin and discharges.
Graphites, of course, is famous for all kinds of skin eruptions, especially the most severe types. There may be eczemas affect-ing the whole body, herpetic outbreaks, scaling eruptions, etc. The most frequent areas affected are the antecubital and pop¬liteal fossae, around the margins of the scalp, and in the ears. There may be cracking of the affected areas (especially in the ears of children), and the discharge of yellowish, thick, sticky fluid— looking like serum—is offensive. These specific characteristics of the skin eruptions are highly characteristic of Graphites.
A related keynote of Graphites on the physical level is brittle-ness and deformities of the nails.
Graphites is one remedy which suffers greatly from any sup-pression of eruptions. If cortisone or other medication is used to suppress an eczema, the patient may well develop asthma, headaches, or duodenal ulcers. The stomach is often a particular target of pathology. There is cramping and burning in the sto¬mach which is immediately and dramatically ameliorated by eating. This, of course, is a symptom found commonly in ulcer patients, and therefore cannot be considered a strong guiding symptom. Nevertheless, you will see it combined with the rest of the Graphites symptomatology. The patient feels a cramp in the stomach, and all he wants to do is lie down, keep quiet, and have something to eat.
A peculiar aspect of Graphites patients is that, although their complexion is generally earthy, they become flushed just before experiencing a physical symptom. The face flushes, and as the flush subsides, they have the stomach pain or the headache.
Photophobia is a strong characteristic of Graphites, as it is with the Natrums in general. The leading remedy having photopho¬bia is Natrum sulph., but Graphites is comparable.
Another striking physical symptom is numbness of the extrem-ities. Graphites is the leading remedy for this symptom in gen¬eral. This may affect the arms, the hands, the feet, the fingers,