
Essence of Materia Medica – page 74

The main idea which comes to mind in Graphites is BLANDNESS—a dullness and heaviness on three levels. It is as if these patients are "thick-skinned" or "calloused". They seem to have a barrier which prevents stimuli from the outside world from reaching them. Outside impressions do not seem to pen¬etrate, resulting in a blandness of the entire systems.
In physical appearance, Graphites patients are generally over-weight and flabby. They often have dark hair, and the skin colour tends to be earthy. The clinical appearance has many similarities to that seen in cushings disease. Graphites is not as flabby as Calcarea; indeed they may be labourers by occupations. The Graphites skin is not as white as in Calcarea; it has the appear-ance of greater vitality. As a general rule, Graphites pathology seems to effect most frequently labourers, villagers, truck driv¬ers etc.
Graphites shows a lack of sensitivity to any stimulus—body, emo-tions, and intellect. Any type of intellectual, analytical, or sci¬entific work is difficult for Graphites patients. The mind is dull, lethargic, show to receive information. The blandness of intellect comes about because only some impressions actually manage to get through to the patienf s awareness. During the interview, this situation becomes apparent in the bahaviour of the patient. He provides few symptoms of his own volition, and he answers ques-tions only superficially. To the interviewer, it seems difficult to make contact in any real way with the patient. It is as if there are callouses on his mind preventing anything from penetrating.
As one would expect from this insensibility, Graphites patients have a poor memory". Primarily this is a weakness of short-term memory—poor memory tor recent events’ as recorded in the books. The events of everyday life do not make a full impression on the intellect, so they are not clearly recalled. This does not, however, affect memory for events in the distent past prior to the onset of the Graphites mental pathology.
Eventually, the mind becomes empty. This is not quite the clas¬sic emptiness of mind seen in Phosphorus, which is more of an