
Essence of Materia Medica – page 68

This chapter will focus mostly on the mental and emotional state of Dulcamara, since other Materia Medicas adequately describe the physical level. This material should be considered tentatively as it comes from my own observations and deductions based pri-marily on indepth experiences of two cases in particular which illustrate the essence of the remedy. Both patients happened to be women, but this should not imply that Dulcamara is a female remedy. It is interesting that, as one would expect from the pro-vings, I had prescribed such remedies as Calc. carb., Rhus tox, and Kali carb. before settling on Dulcamara in these cases/It is only by careful examination of such illustrations in our practices that we can begin to paint the portrait of the true essence of a remedy.
Both of these women have very forceful, strong-willed personal-ities. They were DOMINEERING and POSSESSIVE in their rela¬tionship with other people, especially those closest to them. Dulcamara patients are very opinionated, insistent upon their own point of view, and then feel unappreciated when those around them do not show the gratitude they expect.
The typical Dulcamara patient carves out a territory, a sphere of influence—usually with her own family, but possibly includ¬ing neighbours and friends as well. Within this sphere of influ¬ence she attempts to dominate others by her strong will and forceful opinions. She lives vicariously through others by trying to govern and control their lives.
Outside her own circle, however, she is suspicious of others. She is on guard. She becomes so wrapped up in her own state that she finds fault with other people. She expects that they will not understand her, that they will misunderstand and misinterpret her feelings and behaviour. During the initial interview she is very closed; she is willing to talk only about her concrete symp¬toms—her frequent colds, her hay fever, or her joint pains. She is unwilling to reveal more of herself until she is assured that the prescriber understands and appreciates her to her own sat-