
Essence of Materia Medica – page 62

collapse or during dyspnoea. Carbo veg. does not merely desire fresh air alone but wants a forceful wind blowing on the face. He may even tell you that if he becomes short of breath while in a moving car, he will stick his head out of the window .If some¬one is fanning a Carbo veg. patient, the fanning must be very fast and forceful. It is as if the patient is trying to inject oxygen into the system.
Comparison ot remedies that desire fresh air or fanning provides an excellent study in the high degree of individualisation needed in homoeopathy. As we take cases and repertorise the totality of symptoms, it is easy to fall into the trap of merely matching data. However, even within each particular rubric, one needs to know precisely which states individualise one remedy (patient) from another. Arsenicum, for example, is a cold remedy that desires fresh air; Arsenicum does not want the body exposed at ali, but the head is relieved by cool air. Even so, Arsenicum never want a strong wind blowing on the face as does Carbo veg. Of course, warmblooded remedies like Pulsatilla are often aggra¬vated in a warm stuffy room and want fresh air but in Pulsatilla it is merely a need to be cooled. Apis is a warmblooded remedy that wants to be fanned, but Apis is content with gentle tanning. The most warmblooded remedy of all, Secale, needs to be fanned very aggressively, not so much because of the need for oxygen, but because of the need for relief from the internal heat.
The opposite situation, aggravation from wind, is also instruc¬tive of the need for individualisation. Many remedies have an aversion to wind, but specifically for what reason? Lycopodium, of course, enjoys being outdoors in the fresh air, but feels bad whenever directly exposed to wind. Nux vomica can be aggra¬vated even by being indoors while wind is blowing outside, in Nux vomica this is an aggravation of the mental state specifi¬cally. Rhododendron also has an aggravation from wind blowing outdoors, but this is caused by the corresponding electormagne-tic changes in the atmosphere. All of Rhododendron’s physical complaints are stirred up—he feels on edge, his muscles become stiff, he may become irritable, like Nux, but because of the pains.
As mentioned earlier Carbo veg. is intolerant to fat and butter. There is a characteristically strong desire for salt and a lessor desire for sweets and coffee.