
Essence of Materia Medica – page 61

fear death; indeed, she may even desire it. She feels so indiffer-ent that it doesn’t seem worth while to continue. Once you see this death-like state coming on suddenly, you cannot miss Carbo
You may have another patient suffering from severe forcible vom¬iting. You give Chelidonium, Veratrum album or Arsenicum, but the patient suddenly becomes white with blueness in areas of least circulation, becomes covered with cold perspiration, the body temperature drops, and the breath becomes cold. The patient goes into a faint. This is a picture of Carbo veg. and you may observe a dramatic amelioration from its administration
Carbo veg. is used more often as an acute remedy than as a deep constitutional, but there are nevertheless some constitutional indi¬cations. It is often indicated in digestive disorders—extreme bloa-tendness, peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis. The bloatedness can be very extreme and continuous, with frequent eructations which relieve. This condition is aggravated by overeating in general, and specifically by fat or butter. The bloatedness causes the dia-phragm to press on the heart and thus causes periodic collapses. Such a patient may eat a large meal and drink a little wine, and then the pressure of the diaphragm causes the patient to faint even at the table.
Even though the bloatedness is often caused by overeating, do not get the impression that the Carbo veg. patient is obese. This may be so, but the more usual appearance is of a thin patient.
Carbo veg. may be indicated in very old people with indolent ulcers. They have ulcers that do not heal and degenerate into a gangrenous condition. Other remedies that may have this con-dition are Lachesis, Hepar sulphur, Calcarea carbonica and Carbo animalis, but Carbo veg. particularly fits the very elderly—those over, say, 80 years of age—who are cold, bloated and intolerant to fat.
In addition to intolerance to fat, Carbo veg. is intolerant to alco-hol. There may not necessarily be a strong reaction, but enough that the patient notices it. Even after just a sip of alcohol, there may be flushing of the face, or the face may be pale but the patient feels weak inside.
The desire to be fanned is a striking keynote characteristic for Carbo veg. This manifests particularly during the acute state—in