
Essence of Materia Medica – page 60

veg. The patient SUDDENLY loses his memory for a time, but it later returns just as suddenly. Again, it is as if the circulation were temporarily compromised.
Carbo veg. may get fixed ideas—"arterio-sclerotic" ideas. A woman may read in a magazine that butter is bad for health and she insists on this idea in an inflexible manner. There can be no excep¬tions to the rule. She wil not change her opinion. It is as if there is not enough vitality in the brain to understand any other point of view.
Carbo veg. may not affect all three levels in any given individ¬ual. It is primarily a physical remedy, with relatively minor manif-estations on deeper levels. In my experience, it is rare to encounter a Carbo veg. patient who is mentally ill.
On the physical level, Carbo veg. can affect any system, but its primary actions are on the venous circulation, the digestive tract, and the respiratory system. When the symptoms occur in the res-piratory tract, it primarily affects the LOWER tract. It becomes indicated when lung conditions have progressed to a fairly advanced state. There may be a sudden decline from pneumonia. Or a particular type of asthma develops—aggravated by lying down and relieved by vigorous fanning.
The modality, aggravation from lying down is easy to under stand in Carbo veg. in light of the sluggishness. The blood seems to stagnate when the patient lies down. The headache becomes intolerable. The respiration feels as if it has been arrested, espe-cially when falling asleep or during sleep. The patient jumps up from bed suddenly, like Lachesis. It is as if there is inadequate tonus in the veins to equilibrate the circulation. The usual auto-matic mechanisms whereby the circulation adjusts lo changes of position are sluggish.
The acute condition of Carbo veg. is unmistakeable. You may have been treating a pneumonia case, but progress has been slow. Suddenly the patient goes into a state of collapse, with laboured breathing, coldness of extremities, coldness of the breath, cold¬ness of the tongue, and coldness of the nose. The body temper¬ature drops. The colour becomes a deathly white, with blueness around the lips and on the tips of the fingers. The patient appears like a corpse, and she feels like life is leaving her! She does not