
Essence of Materia Medica – page 59

Carbo veg. is a remedy which has been well described in our books. Especially in its acute aspect, one is unlikely to miss it. There are three primary characteristics which constitute the essence of Carbo veg. First, there is a general SLUGGISHNESS of the organism, especially in the circulation but also of the emo-tions and mind. This then is coupled with COLDNESS which runs throughout the body—coldness of the breath, of the nose, of the face, of the extremities. This coldness, however, is accompanied by a strong DESIRE TO BE FANNED.
In Carbo veg. it is frequently the case that the health is affected by the shock of an acute illness (usually pneumonia) or an accid-ent. The overall vitality is lowered by a notch ever since an accid-ent; thus, Arnica is not always the appropriate remedy for this situation. You may study such a case and discover that there are too few symptoms to prescribe any other remedy but you see coldness, weakness and emotional indifference. This is enough to prescribe Carbo veg. In many of the books, it is said that Carbo veg. is prescribed after an illness or accident, but one should not develop a routine of this, if the patient is warmblooded and vital but suffers some problem since experiencing a shock, do not give Carbo veg. The sluggishness which affects the physical level also characterises the emotional plane. There is indifference; the patient does not care whether he lives or dies. This apathy is somewhat like that of Phosphoric acid. The patient may be given good news but is incapable of feeling cheerful about it. Even after bad news, he or she says, "It doesn’t matter".
Sluggishness on the mental level manifests as DULLNESS of the mind. The mind is slow to comprehend. The patient cannot con-centrate, cannot do the usual work. Because the mind is not func-tioning properly, there is indecision or irresolution. This mental condition seems to result from inadequate oxygenation of the brain. The circulation is sluggish, so not enough oxygen reaches the brain.
It is interesting that there are SPELLS of loss of memory in Carbo