
Essence of Materia Medica – page 58

is chilled at the time, the remedy may be Rhus. Rhus and Caus-ticum are the two great remedies for paralytic weakness of mus-cles from being overstrained, or from being overstrained and chilled.
On the other hand, there may be a loss of sensation in the urethra, causing the patient to lose urine invlountarily without being aware of it. This is why Causticum is one of the leading remedies in childhood enuresis.
As the whole organism gradually declines into a paralytic state, there may be a decrease of sexual urge and pleasure. Causticum is one of the main remedies for frigidity in women—along with others, of course, like Sepia, Graphites, Natrum mur. etc.
In summary, Causticum is characterised by gradual changes, beginning with an initial hyper-reactivity, sensitivity to injustice and authority, and anarchism; this progresses to paralysis of the neuromuscular system, fears and forebodings and finally decline into passive imbecility. The primary traget of pathology is the nervous system, which shows paralysis accompanied by initial phases of cramping and twitching, and electric shock-like pains in the affected part. Characteristic confirmatory symptoms include aggravation from dry cold, desire for salt and smoked meat, aver-sion to sweets, warts on the face and fingers, retention or loss of urine, and a deep hollow cough with viscid mucous low in the trachea.