
Essence of Materia Medica – page 57

of the very few remedies that displays this combination. It also has a peculiar desire for smoked meat (along with Tub- erculinum, Kreosotum, and Calc. phos.).
The most characteristic skin symptoms, found in Causticum are warts, particularly warts on the face and on the fingers near the nails. Causticum should always be considered for such warts, along with Thuja and Lac carvinum. Fissures of the intertrigi- nous areas and anus are also well known in Causticum. Typical Causticum eruptions are found around the nose, inside and out-side the wings of the nose, and on the tip of’the nose, (if there is an eruption on the tip of the nose, Aethusa should also be remembered).
Causticum is one remedy not to forget in hay fever when there is itching inside or outside the wings of the nose, there is sneez¬ing upon waking in the morning, a viscid catarrh drips from the postnasal membranes. In hay fever, one of the most character¬istic symptoms of Causticum is obstruction of the nose while lying down, especially at night.
Because the mucous is very viscid, the patient gets the feeling that it has stuck low in the trachea and cannot be brought up even by continuous coughing. This is similar to Medorrhinum, which, however, has the sensation of the mucous being stuck higher up in the trachea.
The Causticum cough is typically a hollow, deep cough of great force. It is, therefore, not surprising that it is usually accompa¬nied by loss of urine. In CAUSTICUM, LOSS OF URINE WILL BE FOUND WITH ANY pressure on the urinary bladder, whether from sneezing, laughing or coughing.
When the nerve supply to the bladder is paralysed, there may be either retention of urine or involuntary loss of urine. If the muscles of expulsion are affected, urine is retained sometimes resulting in extensive stretching of the bladder wall. Kent pro-vides a memorable description of this circumstance; "A woman who is too greatly embarrassed to pass through a crowd of observ¬ing men to the closet at the end of a railroad car, at the end of the journey finds that she is unable to pass the urine. Retention of urine from straining the muscles of the bladder. If the patient