
Essence of Materia Medica – Page 55

It is as if they are cramping him inside. They cause him to with¬draw, and the resulting pathology gradually weakens the mental, emotional, and physical levels. At first, he wants to destroy the outside world because it is not what it should be. With time, how¬ever, he finds himself bound up by diminished nervous system reflexes, hardened and shortened tendons, and a general state of inflexibility.
The main characteristic of Caustiucum throughout this process is that of GRADUALITY. It is not a state which comes on sud-denly. It takes a long time for the initial over-reactivity to invert itself into the state of cramped paralysis of function.
As a general rule, the nervous system, muscles, and connective tissue manifest symptoms first. Causticum is a prominent remedy to consider in patients suffering from locomotor ataxia, myop¬athy, multiple sclerosis, or myasthenia of gradual onset, a very characteristic feature of Causticum is paralysis of LOCAL organs. There may be facial paralysis, paralysis or dysfunction of the oesophagus, uncontrolled drooping of the upper eyelids, stam-mering from dysfunction of the tongue, biting of the cheeks while talking or chewing, dysfunction of bladder sphincter mucles, and paralysis of the extremities.
The nervous system vulnerability also manifests in another way. If a Causticum patient suppresses a skin eruption with a strong ointment such as zinc or cortisone, the suppression progresses directly into the nervous system, and often into deeper mental or emotional states.
Gradually, the inversion of hyper-activity into hypo-active states reaches into the mental/emotional planes. More and more he has forebodings that something terrible is going to happen to him or to his relatives. Slowly, he develops other fears as well; fear of the dark, fear of being alone especially at night, and a fear of dogs.
While he was healthy, the Causticum patient’s mental faculties were very acute. Whereas he once was very intellectual person; philosophising, analysing things deeply and with great capacity—he starts feeling that he is losing his mental power and slowly sliding into a state of imbecility. This is not an animated kind of insanity, of course; it is a passive state. His mental facul¬ties become completely paralysed in the final stage