
Essence of Materia Medica – page 54

The main idea permeating Causticum is GRADUAL PARAL-YSIS following an initial phase of excessive hypersensitivity and over-reactivity. This concept runs through all levels of Cuasti-cum’s existence—mental, emotional and physical. In general, the primary target of Causticum pathology is the central and per-ipheral nervous system.
From this essence, it is easy to imagine the type of people who tend to eventually acquire Causticum symptomatology; sensitive people, who are easily excitable, quick to react; they absorb all impressions from the environment, responding with hyperactiv¬ity and over-reaction, particularly in those functions governed by the nervous system.
Causticum people possess a strong sense of social justice, which manifests in particular as intolerance to any kind of authority. It is interesting in this regard to contrast Causticum with Staph-ysagria, which are complementary to one another. Staph, accepts authority to an extreme degree; he will not be able to confront anybody, even to stand up for his own rights. Causticum is exactly the opposite. He will not tolerate anything that oppresses either himself or others. Even in the early stages prior to development of florid pathology, one can detect the Causticum tendency in a person by this excessive sensitivity to oppressive influences, combined with excessive excitability of the central nervous system. Cnce the person’s health has declined to a more path-ological degree, this tendency becomes exaggerated to the point where the patient would perhaps best be described as anarchis¬tic. Such people are easily and deeply hutt, because injustice and oppressions can be found in almost every circumstance of life. They are anarchists of the idealistic kind; very sincere and earn-est, and therefore vulnerable.
When such people have been through many disappointments, griefs and vexations, the initial state of over-reactivity becomes turned inward. Whereas the patient was extroverted, revolution-ary activist, these energies become focused inward.