
Essence of Materia Medica – page 50

is full of theories, mostly far-out in nature. Then Cannabis indica comes to mind.
In addition, these mentalised Cannabis patients are very critical. With each prescription or suggestion you make, they want to know exactly why you came to that particular decision. They must feel in complete control at all times; they are driven by their underlying fear of insanity. For this reason they are always chal¬lenging and questioning. They are difficult people—quite oppo¬site from the easy going and happy first type of Cannabis patient.
Characteristically, Cannabis indica is extremely thirsty, expecially in acute situations. This, coupled with the fear of death, can lead to confusion with Arsenicum. There is one important differential point, however; Cannabis patients always want to rest and they feel better from lying down. Actually, from what I have observed, this is actually a mentalised symptom. They mentally arrive at the conclusion that they are better from lying down, and so that is what they do. If you force them to take a walk, especially in fresh air, they feel better. You must be careful not to over exert them, however; over exertion makes all Cannabis symptoms worse.
The mentalised type of Cannabis patients have very strong desires for sex. In maintaining control it seems that their energy becomes concentrated in the sexual sphere. The desire is so strong that if they do not have a partner available in the moment they will resort to masturbation. They are not particularly choosy about their partners; they just want quick satisfaction. Consequently they are quite susceptible to gonorrhoea. Cannabis is one of the reme¬dies that could be indicated in acute gonorrhoea, although its yellow, thick discharge is of no value in the prescription because it is common in gonorrhoea; the characteristic mental picture would have to be present.
Cannabis indica has a variety of urinary symptom—it is often indicated in infections of the bladder, urethra, and kidneys. It is also indicated in certain early neurological cases characterised by weakness and numbness of the extremities—prior to the stage of true paralysis or actual clinical diagnosis.
Cannabis indica probably has a usefulness in patients who have had a so-called "Bad trip" which has left a lasting effect on the mental sphere. This would be true whether the bad experience