
Essence of Materia Medica – page 48

a fear of death or a fear of insanity—but in these people the fear¬ful states pass away in a short time.
These ethereal people also experience distortions of sensory per¬ception. Cannabis indica speeds up all the senses. All impres¬sions are received much more rapidly and vividly. Because of this increased intensity, time itself seems distorted. Internally, they feel very stimulated, so external events seem to happen more slowly than usual. This is the reason for the symptom "Time passes too slowly." Spatial distortions also occur. They feel that they are far removed from objects, that they are travelling or flow¬ing away from things. Their limbs may seem to shrink in size. Again these feelings are manifestations of the easy etheric dis¬connection these people experience.
Despite their ecstasy, these people, in their conscious mind real¬ise that this is a pathological state. The mind becomes hazy, vague, scattered. They become inefficient in their tasks, and they cannot focus on reality for any length of time. Typically these people drift from one job to another because of the dissatisfaction. They leave a job simply because they have lost interest; they prefer to do something else. They do not feel any bitterness about this. Indeed, they are mild, sweet people in general; they are very easy going.
It is this first type of Cannabis patients who laugh easily and immoderately at anything. Their emotional reactions are easily stimulated by external impressions.
Now, the second type—the mentalised Cannabis patients—are almost the complete opposite. These people are not at all happy or easy to get along with. They also have felt a sense of leaving the body—but only in certain parts. Certain parts seem to become light, as if they are floating away. This is especially felt in the ex¬tremities. The arm feels as if the bones are no longer there, and it becomes so light that it could float away.
To these mentalised Cannabis patients such sensations are ter¬rifying. They are losing control of the arm; it is going its own way. Any loss of control creates tremendous anxiety and fear in them. These people feel a constant fear of insanity, which is another way of expressing a fear of losing control. Similarly, they may describe it as a fear of death. This anxiety state is contin-” uous and motivates their behaviour to such a degree that you -may consider remedies such as Phosphorus, Arsenicum, or Nitric